Clearing manure from alleyways and stalls in your barn can be labour-intensive and time-consuming. However, maintaining a clean space for your animals is critical to controlling odour, reducing the spread of disease, and ensuring their well-being.
A cleaner barn results in healthy animals. But you shouldn’t have to put in the manual work. Agmor offers quality automated manure handling equipment to make cleaning your barn more efficient and thorough.
Manure Handling Equipment
Agmor provides a complete range of manure handling equipment designed by recognized brands in the ag industry to meet your farm's specific needs.
Durable and efficient scrapers that keep barn floors clean by removing manure regularly.
Manure Pumps
Reliable pumps that move manure efficiently from collection points to storage or treatment areas.
Advanced separators that divide solids from liquids make waste management more efficient.
Storage Systems
Robust storage solutions for safe and effective manure containment and disposal.